Growing your business through partnership and collaboration

Two decades of experience of working with companies involved in service provision to pharmaceutical and medical device companies. This includes contract manufacture, research. consultancy, equipment, consumables and design.
We have developed software that support partner search and development processes. These software applications can form part of a methodology ensuring a consistent approach across internal teams to key partners and making sure supply companies have a platform to feedback information and keep their customer up to date on challenges,developments and improvements.
Cloud based applications are provided which are modular and easy to access and intuitive so you can get up and running quickly. However if you would welcome support, we can also offer a flexible managed service for you, we believe in responsible and sustainable sourcing through effective verification,collaboration, information engagement and effective feedback
Risk management is the central theme to all the activities and our technology applications. Both the company profiles and results from surveys can be scored, a risk registry can be set up and shared by members of your supply team. We are open to working with you to integrate our applications into your own vendor risk management strategies. Protect your business by proactively identifying and managing risk.
Making any partner relationship more engaged and collaborative has its own challenges. I work with both parties to ensure that the benefits of using our digital on-boarding and qualification processes are presented as a win-win between partners. If permissible, qualification data and scores can be shared between buyer and seller, any remediation tasks set and followed through, and qualification scores reported and explained.
We seek to enable sustainable and engaged businesses through our solution based approach.